The components of the Electro mechanical of a typical UAV include: motors, propellers, speed controllers, and batteries, Different motor speeds and propellers provide different performance, example, the combination of high-speed motors and short propellers brings more agility and mobility for this aircraft, but lower efficiency and shorter battery life (Johnson, 2012). For instance, rotary-wing aircraft (e.g., helicopter, quadcopter, etc.), which use spinning rotors with aero foil section blades to provide lift. Frame structure design is depending on the aircraft’s dynamic lifting method. The shape of the aircraft is called frame structure.

The system design of a typical UAV includes the following: (1) frame structure, (2) Electro mechanics, (3) flight controller, (4) telemetry control system (Johnson, 2012). The sections are system design, implementation, and software of a typical present-day UAV. Since UAVs have been developed for specific purposes, its hardware and software depend upon the specific tasks.

There are different types of UAV shapes, mechanisms, configurations, and characteristics.