Add MotA Female Walk Tweak if you have the Mark of the Assassin DLC.
Female Hawke Movement Animation Tweak – This mod stops FemHawke from waggling her hips so exaggeratedly and ridiculously, and changes her walking/running to DudeHawke’s. I erased the previous options, because if there’s a non-whitewashed version to support, you do it.
Edit: Simple Pants for Isabela is a version with no whitewashing, thank god. However, these WILL render quite a few retexture/armor mods unusable. There’s also the Human Female Proportions Fix, the Elf Female Proportions Fix, and the Dwarf Female Proportions Fix. Morrigan Sacred Ashes Trailer Robes – This mod gives Morrigan the robes she wore in the Sacred Ashes Trailer, which cover up more than her original outfit. Chasind Robes Retexture – This is for the dudes – it covers up the random chest hole in the Chasind Robes. More Covered Female Chasind Robes Retexture – Now, when you wear the Chasind Robes as a lady, you’re actually WEARING something. Practical Female Dalish Armor – No more baring your midriff in this armor! A godsend. Lady of the Forest Covered – This gives her a bark retexture that covers her, as opposed to her previous nudity. Desire Demon Covered – Exactly what it says on the tin. Neutral Female Armor – This mod stops the boobplates on the medium/heavy armors, and instead replaces them with something a lot more neutral. Boob Patches Be Gone – Seriously, why do the female mage robes have boob patches? This ditches them. Couldn’t think of a better name for the life of me lmao